Gen-3 Alpha Image to Video

Gen-3 Alpha Image to Video: Conclusions

Tatiana Tsiguleva tested Runway Gen-3 Alpha Image to Video: Conclusions.

  • Obviously, it’s better than Gen-2.
  • It’s different from Luma AI. I don’t know exactly how both of them were developed, but after several tests, I have a feeling that Luma often creates 3D from images and then makes videos, while Runway takes patterns directly from the videos it was trained on. Just my assumption.
  • The number of good results is much higher than in Gen-2, but often adding a prompt negatively affects the initial image aesthetic.
  • Simple prompts work better.
  • If you don’t add a prompt, it will generate a simple effect like zooming in in most cases.
  • If you have a single object in a video, the results are often better compared to having many objects.
  • Super simple scenes look pretty good, but more complex ones still look far from perfect.
  • And finally, as with all other tools, the initial image is crucial for getting great results.
  • And yeah, people blink if you specify it in the prompt. 🙂
Runway Gen-3 Alpha Image to Video Demo

Overall, it’s nice to see the progress.
Have you tried it already?

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