Tag: Gen-3

  • Runway’s GEN-3 Review

    Runway’s GEN-3 Review

    AI video and filmmaking have taken another significant leap forward with the release of Runway ML’s GEN-3. Runway’s recent silence hinted at something big, and they did not disappoint. Despite major releases from other companies like Dream Factory and Luma AI, Runway was quietly working on GEN-3, a substantial improvement over its predecessors. What Makes…

  • Runway Gen-3

    Runway Gen-3

    Runway Gen-3 Alpha marks the beginning of a new series of models developed by Runway, utilizing a newly constructed infrastructure designed for large-scale multimodal training. This model represents a significant enhancement in fidelity, consistency, and motion compared to Gen-2, and it is a key advancement towards creating General World Models. Gen-3 Alpha has been trained…